
World’s most intelligent AI data driven Healthcare platform for Chronic disease
Our knowledge graph driven platform provides individual and population health analysis
Setting trend in global healthcare privacy and security
Our APIs and partnerships allow us to connect with 40K+ doctors
Securing 1.5 data records on a secure platform
Cambridge, Oxford, National University of Singapore etc
Previous Company (Aladdin) we built an A.I team consisting of senior members with successful backgrounds from Oxford University, Imperial College, Cambridge University, and the Karolinska Institute. The team won more than 30 global AI competitions, including ACM, IEEE, and Data Science Bowl 2019, with two of the Kaggle Grand Masters who rank top 100 in Kaggle Community (Kaggle is the largest and eminent data science community, with more than 1.3 million data scientists globally.)
Alzheimer’s Disease – Through the use of advanced text mining techniques, our previous AI team was able to extract biomedical knowledge from over 30 million research articles on Alzheimer’s disease and construct a large scale of knowledge graph, with more than 800,000 entities and over 10 million edges among diseases, targets, compounds, biomarkers, and genes.
International Data Cohorts – have built extensive data networks from global hospital groups, research institutions and laboratories and corporations where our digital applications have processed and collected signifcant amounts of phenotypic data from patients in India.
AI Drug Discovery Platform – built an AI drug development platform which discovered two naturally occurring small molecules that were jointly patented for fighting ageing mechanisms, including AD. In collaboration with the University of Oslo and University of Macao.
Sale of our AI drug Discovery Platform to Mind Rank AI China – Mind Rank is a leader in Drug Discovery in China that uses our technology to make breakthroughs in pre-clinical targets. Sold 2021.
Digital Healthcare Risk Assessment Platform – developed for use in India which was successfully used by thousands of employees in large corporations such as Airbus, JP Morgan and HMV.
Can Clinical Symptoms and laboratory results Predict CT Abnormality? Initial Findings Using Novel Machine Learning Techniques in children with Covid 19 infections (Frontiers In Medicine)
Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for COVID-19 Infection Detection and Classification form CT images (IEEE Access)
Influence of co- morbidities during Sars CoV-2 infection in an Indian population (Frontiers In Medicine)